Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finn Baby Song (from Memory of a Memory)

At the request of AdventureTimeLover20, :)

I'ma buff baby that can dance like a man!
I can shake-a my fanny I can shake-a my can!
I'ma tough tootin' baby, I can punch-a yo buns!
Punch-a yo buns, I can punch all yo buns!
If you're an evil witch I will punch you for fun! Yeah!

It shows that Finn really did promise to defeat evil and help people in need at a young age, yay heroes!

1 comment:

  1. AdventureTimeLover20May 10, 2012 at 7:36 AM

    I thought that song was really cute and really funny, when I showed it 2 my friend(I call her marshall lee) and when I showed her, we burst out laughing!!! XD
