Monday, September 12, 2011

Gender Swap A Success!

The Mixed-Up new Adventure Time made many fans--like ME for one-- very satisfied. Though being female, I was somehow offended that the Ice King made it all up. (In my opinion, he should keep up the writing. He could have major skills, money and chicks in that business.) Speaking of Ice King, his opposite person, Ice Queen, was almost kind of pretty, except for her witch-like voice. I liked Fionna and Cake, but I thought Price Gumball's character was a little weak. Lord Monochromaticorn (Gosh that's hard to spell. Correct me if I'm wrong!)  and his 'language' were hilarious!--.LOL.--Do you think Cartoon Network and Fredorator Studios will do it again? Do you even WANT them to make another Fiona and Cake episode? Comment!